Donations in Maria's name

If you are considering making a donation in Maria's name, our family would be grateful if you would consider one of the following organizations.  The link from the purple Pancreatic Cancer Action Network below will bring you to Maria's dedicated page.  (Feel free to donate or even to become a "team member" to raise money in her name.)  Note that we will be hosting a fundraiser for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network on Maria's birthday (May 15, 2021) -- more information on that to follow in early Spring. 



And -- thank you to everyone for your support.  Watching Dad go through Alzheimer's (excruciating and slow) and Mom go through Pancreatic Cancer (wrenching and brutally fast) was truly awful.  We are hopeful that with the efforts of the two organizations below, someday no one will have to suffer through these awful diseases.

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