Maria Veltri's Birthday Fundraiser for Pancreatic Cancer

Please join us for

An Estate Sale to Benefit 

The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network

in honor of Maria Veltri, on her birthday, 

Saturday, May 15, 2021 from 11:00am-3:00pm


Our Mom, Maria Veltri, passed away after a sudden and intense battle with pancreatic cancer. 

We will celebrate her birthday and her life, on Saturday, May 15, 2021, from 11:00am-3:00pm with a fundraiser for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCan).  Thanks to the generosity of Roxanne and Keith (Mom's awesome neighbors), we will be holding a giant Estate Sale to raise funds for PanCan, at 7104 Maple Ave, Takoma Park, MD 20912.  (This will be an outdoor event for COVID19 safety -- please bring and wear your mask.  Thanks!)  A number of generous neighbors are donating items for the sale, alongside many of my Mom's lovely belongings.  

We will have tons of kitchen wares, electronics, clothing, furniture, books, holiday decorations, wall hangings, and so, so much more.  

We also will have a table with information about PanCan, about pancreatic cancer, and how you can support.

And of course, we will have photos and other remembrances of Mom. 

If you live too far from Takoma Park to join us, you can participate directly by making a donation by clicking here to go to our fundraising page on PanCan's webpage, and your contribution will be registered as being in Mom's memory. 

Watching Mom go through pancreatic cancer was beyond heartwrenching.  No one should have to experience the severity, sneakiness, and ruthlessly fast decline that is typical for this very severe form of cancer -- as a patient or as a patient's loved one.  If this fundraiser can in some small way contribute to eventually winning the battle against pancreatic cancer, then any efforts are worth it.  We hope you can help us reach our fundraising goals!  


Joanna & Tine

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